An Alcohol Prevention U-DO Book
"It is vital to MADD's mission to spread safety messages
to young people through quality educational materials.
Your incredible vision has created a U-DO Book that
continues to spread our message... thanks so much for
creating an ideal tool to help MADD further our efforts."
U-DO Book: 24 page book with four 4-color 3D imagery
cover pages. Includes 21 page illustrated story, activity
page, 2 feedback pages and club merchandise program.
Distribution: Kmart Kids Race Against Drugs at
Kmart Stores across the nation, U.S Police Stations,
MADD U.S Affiliate Offices and Elementary Schools.
©2000 - 2022 BOLDT. All Rights Reserved info@boldtcreative.com

Back cover

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
It's a MADD House Here!
featuring MADDGIC
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 98-92697 ISBN#: 0-9662556-1-5
Kat just moved to town and she's missing her old friends. MADDGIC, the MADD mascot,
invites her to hang with his friends, the M-Crew, a group of kids dedicated to spreading
the word about not drinking and driving. Later at a party, Kat uses the MADDGIC phrase
"It's a MADD House Here!," to let her mom know she doesn't feel comfortable riding home
with someone who's been drinking. Kat's glad she has friends who work together to make a difference.
BOLDT. created "It's a MADD House Here!" name and
story, the MADDGIC name and character, along with
the M-Crew name and club for MADD.
Karolyn V. Nunnallee
MADD National President