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boldt creative, to challenge empower and inspire
Rubba Ducks, Mark Boldt, NRA, Poloroid, MADD

"Yes! We can really develop & customize the complete book

      to meet any and all your marketing/promotional initiatives."

U-Do Books, MADD, NRA, Polaroid

"U-DO Books and stories help U deal with the issues of growing up

      so U can resolve difficult situations in a fun and healthy way."

award winner

Proud member!

Our most popular tool...

Book size: 7" x 10" with 24, 32 or 40 pages

This cost effective book is a great fit for educational and community

efforts, motivating consumer traffic and purchases through its positive

educational content and visible impact in the community.

At no cost to families...

Over 20 million copies of 17 different U-DO Books

have been distributed into the hands of children.

A customized comic/story book that engages and empowers children

through the compelling and meaningful story and illustrations while it

strengthens the client's important marketing/promotional message.

Each customized book includes:

• Amazing imagery on all four 4-color cover pages

• 21 page illustrated story & activity page

• Additional pages available for customization

click image to enlarge

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